Partum Softwares


Management Software

Finance management software is an essential tool for both businesses and individuals. Get to know your income, expenses, and net profit up close and personal. The Profit and Loss statement measures the financial health of your business by showing income and expense details. You don’t need to remember it all. This report does it for you! This report provides a detailed record of account transactions that matched software entries as well as outstanding transactions. We’ll save the details each time you reconcile your transactions in a handy PDF. Using our finance billing software, you can track expenses and income and generate reports for analysis. Select a timeframe (e.g., a month) to get started.

Account Reports

Day Book

Ledger Book

Trial Balance

Profit & Loss

Balance Sheet

Cash Book


Finance Reports

HP foreclose
EMI calculation
Due reminder sms
HP due pending
HP party statement
HP close statement
Loan due pending
Loan party statement
Daily collection pending
Daily party statement
Weekly collection pending
Weekly party statement
Deposit payment pending
Deposit ledger statement
Area wise outstanding
Broker wise outstanding
Due date wise outstanding
Above / below no’s of due pending
Insurance expiry list
Document pending
Today total collection



WEB WhatsApp

Due Reminder

Receipt Message


?What is Finance Management Software

Partum Finance Software is designed to businesses track their income, expenses, and net profit. It provides insights into financial health and helps with budgeting and decision-making

What is a Profit and Loss statement?

Our finance software provides profit and loss statement shows business income and expenses over a specific period.

?What are the top features of finance software

The top features of Partum finance software are
• HP, Loan, Deposit, Daily
• Party Statements
• Account Books
• Due Pending
• Tally Integration & 200+ reports

What types of account reports are in Partum Finance Software?

• Day Book
• Ledger book
• Trial Balance
• Profit and loss account
• Balance Sheet
• Cash Book
• Bank Book

?How can I generate reports for analysis

Our software allows you to generate various reports, such as monthly or yearly expense summaries, income statements, and cash flow statements

How can I track expenses and income using the finance software?

Our software provides features for easily tracking income and expenses. You can categorize transactions, set budgets, and track spending patterns.